A Walk along Glasgow's Waterfront
This evening, I am posting images and information pursuant to walk along the Clyde Waterfront in Glasgow, Scotland yesterday. First, I called in at the Laurieston Ba r (for a coffee,not alcohol) which is located only a short distance from the river. Lauriston Bar Next, across the King George V Bridge towards the city centre. Half way across the bridge I came across the message illustrated below.The Samaritans are a charity dedicated to preventing suicides.Scotland has the highest rate of suicide in the U.K.It has been estimated that, in 2022, one quarter of all deaths among 5-24 year olds were probable suicides. Samaritans contact details Next, along an inner city side road where I encountered the huge mural shown below. I think the underlying message bemoans the decrepit state of many of the city's grand buildings many of which date back to Victorian times. The fact is Glasgow's heavy industrial base has largely evaporated with the city's population decreasing from 1.0m ...