Culross, Fife, Scotland

(Above image shows Culross on north bank of Firth of Forth.)

This evening, I am posting information on the quaint village of Culross which is located on the north coast of the Firth of Forth in the east of Scotland, about 25 miles N.W., of Edinburgh.

Culross can trace it's commercial history back to the 16th/17th centuries when mining entrepreneur Sir George Bruce exploited the coal resources entailing extraction from under the Firth of Forth waterway.
 Culross Village

Culross Palace

More information:
  • Onomatology: The name is derived from the Gaelic cuileann meany 'holly'.
  • Population: About 400 persons.
  • Buildings: Following a period of decline many of the >400 year old buildings have been restored and refurbished by the National Trust for Scotland, a heritage organisation. The houses are *white-harled with red-tiled roofs and line cobbled streets. The 'palace' is ochre-coloured adjacent to which is a magnificent period garden. (* Lime harling is a thrown, or cast-on, finish consisting of a slaked lime and coarse aggregate mortar, and it usually has a rough-textured surface. This forms a weather-proof shield, to protect the walls from Scotland's climate.)
  • Filming: The restored village makes an ideal film set for period productions, and has featured in 'Outlander'.
 Culross Town Hall

Village House

 Close-up of village houses.

Culross Palace Garden

 Cafe and Pottery

© Nigel P Cole/Catswhiskerstours Limited


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