Fife Coast Tour
(Image above is a capture of the village of St. Monans.)
Scotland's Fife Coast is a popular visitor destination. The region lies on the east coast, north of Edinburgh and on the north side of the Firth of Forth.
The following outline itinerary is predicated on a within-the-day trip starting and finishing Edinburgh although it could be adapted to suit other objectives.
Stage 1
Depart Edinburgh and drive west to connect with the Queensferry Crossing, a bridge across the Firth of Forth then first stop of Lower Largo where aim for Crusoe Hotel KY8 6BT. Turn left at the hotel, follow a narrow road and look out for birthplace, on the left, of Alexander Selkirk about half a mile along. The house has a statue at the front. Selkirk was the 'real world' role model for the fictional Robinson Crusoe. Continue along this narrow road for another half mile where a beach will be encountered together with a car park. Turnaround here and retrace route to the main highway.
This stage covers about 40 miles and takes about 1 hour 15 minutes of driving time.
Stage 2
On re-joining main highway turn right and travel for about 6 miles (15 mins) to Elie. Pass through the village and look out for right turn to the beach at eastern end. Drive to the beach/harbour and admire enclosed sandy expanse with, possibly, water sports in progress.
This stage covers a distance of about 6 miles or about 15 minutes of driving time.
Stage 3
Return to the main highway, turn right and drive about 3 miles to another village called St Monans. On approaching the village turn right at veterinary clinic then past mini-market on left then look out for right turn along road called Braehead. Travel along the narrow Braehead road to the end where is car park. Stop here and visit the adjacent, historic church which was originally Roman Catholic bit is now used for Presbyterian worship. The church is usually open but take care on Sundays when services may be in process.
This section will take about 10 minutes of driving time.
Stage 4
Return to the main A917 highway and turn right to Pittenweem. On arriving at Pittenweem look out for right turn to Harbour (postcode KY10 2NW) and travel down to visit one of the few remaining commercial fishing harbours in this part of Scotland.
On completion of the visit turn round and return to the A917 and turn right.
This section covers about 2 miles or about 10 minutes.
Stage 5
To Anstruther, about 1.5 miles. on reaching western end encounter major roundabout at a crossroads. Turn right down Rodger Street then left into Shore Street. Parking may be possible either on the street, in car park bordering right of shore Street or at end of village on right.Take care to pay parking fee.
Consider lunch at the very popular Anstruther Fish Bar on Shore Street or, failing that, other venues are available.
The drive between Pittenweem and Anstruther should take about 5 minutes.
Stage 6
To leave Anstruther, do not turn round but follow road in easterly direction and re-connect with A917. Turn right and drive about 11 miles to Crail. About half way through Crail look out for right turn down to historic harbour. Traffic restrictions may apply but the picturesque harbour is just a short walk from the centre of the village. If of interest, there is a commercial pottery at 75 Nethergate, KY10 3TX.which is usually open to visitors.
Driving time for this section is about 10 minutes.
Stage 7
Re-connect with A917 and follow signs to St Andrews which is about 11 miles from Crail.
On arrival at outskirts of St Andrews take right turn down Balfour Place which merges into The Shore. There may be parking along the Shore. If successful go towards the shore line and follow flight of steps up left to a higher level from where the ruined castle is visible. The ruined Cathedral is accessible via a side entrance through a high wall close to the cliff edge.
When finished at the castle and cathedral return to the vehicle an drive to the western end of the town to the golfing section. Aim for the extensive car park at the St Andrews Links Clubhouse where there is usually space other than when major tournaments are in process. The Clubhouse with its merchandising section and restaurant is usually open to visitors.
The Crail to St Andrews section will usually take about 20 minutes of driving time.
Stage 8
Return to Edinburgh or other, preferred destination. The direct route to Edinburgh will cover about 55 miles and take about 1 hour 30 minutes of driving time.
.© Nigel P Cole/Catswhiskerstours Limited
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