Ascog Hall Gardens & Fernery, Bute, Scotland
This evening, I am posting information on a wonderful horticultural experience yesterday on the Isle of Bute, West of Scotland.
Being a veteran of many garden visits around Scotland and the rest of the British Isles, I have to assign Ascog as the number one experience although subject to a caveat in that our visit coincided with superb weather conditions and the period when most of the plants (roses excepted) were at peak flowering condition.
The combination of rich soils and mild climate provide ideal growing conditions for the diverse stock of exotic plants and shrubs with which the garden is populated.
The experience was enhanced by the quiet and relaxed ambience of the site with few other visitors present and absence of owner supervision.The entrance fee was subject to an 'honesty box' arrangement.
The following images relate to the garden.
Monkey Puzzle Tree (from Chile/Argentina)
This dates to 1870-1875 and still houses one specimen from the original collection; a fodea barbara or King Fern which is thought to about 1000 years old.
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