Shetland Tour Scotland, Day 2

(Above is a capture of Shetland pony with foal.)

Today, weather conditions were mixed albeit relatively dry.

First we departed our ba1se at Lerwick and drove south with first stop at the Croft House Museum near Boddam. This is one of just two such preserved traditional houses on Shetland and dates from the 1880s. The house has a turf roof topped with thatch. Inside burns a peat fire. Original beds, oil lamps and furniture are present inside together with a peat fire.

In a field adjacent to the Croft House can be found a small herd of Shetland ponies.

Next, we called in at West Voe, a sandy beach near Sumburgh Airport.

Next, we continued south to our principal objective of Jarlshof which is a very compact site, close to the sea, which spans an incredible six time periods and about 4000 years, viz: Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Norse period, Medieval and 16th century. Like a similar site on Orkney the archaeology was only revealed by a fierce storm which removed a layer of sand.

Iron-Age Wheel House

Iron-Age settlement (in foreground).

 Norse Settlement

Iron Age Broch

Sheep with lambs near Jarlshof

Next, to the very southern tip of Sumburgh Head where there is a lighthouse and nature reserve (birds). Ten percent of British seabirds breed on Shetland.

Sumburgh Head

Wild flowers at Sumburgh Head

Finally, with weather deteriorating, we returned to Lerwick.

More travels tomorrow!


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