Illustrated itinerary for a tour of the Roman-era Antonine Wall in Scotland
This evening, I am providing an illustrated itinerary for a one-day highlights tour of the Antonine Wall in Scotland, part of a World Heritage Site.
The Antonine Wall was constructed between AD 139 and 142 under Emperor, Titus Aurelius Antoninus. It exteneds for a length of about 37 miles on a line roughly between modern -day Edinburgh and Glasgow in the south of Scotland.
The Wall represented the northern frontier of the Roman Empire until Antoninus’s death in AD 161 whereafter Hadrian’s Wall was reinstated as the northern frontier, some 100 miles south.The Wall was constructed on a 14 ft wide stone base on which sat a turf-built rampart, possibly ten feet high.
Tour Schedule
The tour is predicated on travelling east to west, commencing Falkirk and visiting:
- The Wall near Callendar House in Falkirk and then a visit to the Roman themed museum at Callendar House which itself of interest, being constructed in the French Renaissance Chateau style in the 19th century.
- Bonnybridge and the excellent section of the Wall at Rough Castle. Here can be viewed a Roman ‘minefield’ which the Romans called ‘Lilia’ due to similarity with lily pads.
- Next, to the Wardpark industrial area of Cumbernauld which provides access to another section on the Wall. Close by is the film studio where the Outlander series is filmed.
- Cumbernauld Airport with views of the Wall.
- Twechar, entailing a half mile hike to visit the Bar Hill fort, the highest elevation on the Wall. Here can be viewed reasonably well preserved remains including the Bathhouse.
- Bearsden, to visit the Roman Baths connected with the former fort .This site was only discovered in the 1970s.
- Foundations of the Wall in New Kilpatrick Cemetery, Bearsden.
Callendar House, Falkirk
Antonine Wall looking east at Rough Castle, Bonnybridge
Lilia at Rough Castle, Antonine Wall, Bonnybridge, Scotland
View North from Antonine Wall at Cumbernauld
Antonine Wall at Cumbernauld, Scotland
Roman Fort at Bar Hill, Twechar, Scotland
Barr Hill Roman Fort at Twechar
Roman Baths at Bar Hill Roman Fort, Twechar
Roman Baths at Bearsden
Video clip of Bearsden Roman Baths
Foundations of Antonine Wall at New Kilpatrick Cemetery, Bearsden
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