The Fairy Pools, a popular visitor attraction on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, Scotland, with Black Cuillins (mountains) in background.

This evening, I am posting information on the famous Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye, which lies off the west coast of Scotland. Summary facts:
  • Located near Carbost and Talisker Distillery on the west of the island, about 20 miles south of Portree.
  • Access entails a 1.5 mile return trip hike over rough ground and across streams.
  • Parking can be difficult due to volume of visitors.
  • Some brave visitors engage in ‘wild swimming’ although low water temperatures normally require use of wet suits.
  • The pools form part of the River Brittle which in turn flows through Glen Brittle. (Glen means valley.)
  • Backdrop to the pools is the Black Cuillin Hills which are of volcanic origin.
Warning: Although the pools appear benign they deserve respect. Recently, an able and fit police officer (who was properly attired in a wetsuit and wearing goggles and swimming shoes) became caught in a strong current which created a vortex effect and caused the officer's death by drowning.

Video clip of Fairy Pools.

Fairy Pool with Black Cuillins in background.

Fairy Pools in context of landscape

Approach to Fairy Pools, Skye


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