Painswick: A restored Rococo garden in central England


Feature at Painswick Rococo Garden, England

This evening, I am reporting on a unique garden in Central England.

Location is in the Gloucester/Stroud region, about 111 miles N.W. of London.

Painswick is a restored ‘Rococo’ garden from the 18th century. Fortunately, the original garden was painted by artist, Thomas Robins in 1748, a valuable source of reference to aid restoration which began in 1984.

Whilst popular on the Continent of Europe in the 18th century,the Rococo style was fashionable for only a short time in Britain. The object was to provide a haven of peace and tranquility and allow the visitor to absorb the ambience of the creation throughout all seasons.

The garden is managed and controlled by a charitable trust (not-for-profit) . Facilities include a restaurant and shop. the site is a popular location for weddings.


Chapel at Painswick Rococo Garden

Overview of Painswick Rococo Garden

Painswick Rococo Garden with Kitchen Garden


View from Chapel at Painswick Rococo Garden,

Eagle House at Painswick Rococo Garden


Anniversar Maze at Painswick Rococo Garden

Water Feature at Painswick Rococo Garden, England


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