Poulnabrone Portal Tomb

  Poulnabrone Portal Tomb, Burren, Ireland

This afternoon, I am dipping into prehistory with information on the Poulnabrone Portal Stone  in the Burren region of County Clare, Ireland. This is also known as a Dolmen.Such can be defined as a megalithic tomb with a large flat stone laid on upright ones,. These structures are found chiefly in the British Isles and France.

Location is about 40 miles south of Galway in the west of Ireland.

The tomb which may date back about 6000 years and is one of 90 megalithic tombs in the Burren region. This tomb is situated in a karst limestone plateau 150 meters above sea level. Here archaeologists have discovered the remains of 22 people the bones of which have been analysed in detail to provide insight into life and death during the Neolithic period. Side elevation of Poulnabrone Portal Tomb, Ireland Poulnabrone in context of karst landscape.


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