Tour of Heysham, England

 Street decoration in Heysham

Today, my wife and I had time to spare whilst waiting to connect with the ferry from Heysham, N.W. England to the Isle of Man. 

 Heysham Ferry Terminal

We decided to explore the old, central part of Heysham village, a decision which trasnpired to be very wise. We were treated to fascinating old residentail architecture dating as far back at the 16th century, two ancient places of Christian worship dating back to the first millennium. a 10th century 'hogback' grave marker (in excellent condition) an exceptionally colourful and well maintained public garden plus exceptional views over Morecombe Bay. This 2-3 hour unplanned trip may yet prove to be the highlight of our entire vacation.

 View from remains of St Patrick's Chapel
Artist's impression of St Patrick's Chapel in 1st millennium

Butterfly at work in Glebe Garden

Vacationer in Glebe Garden

View of Morecombe Bay from St Peter's Church. Heysham

St Peter's Church, Heysham, parts of which date back to Saxon times, over 1000 years ago.

Image of 'hogback' grave-marker from the 10th century. This has Viking influences and is believed to predate Christianity in the locality. In excellent state of preservation having been buried for a long period.

 Illustration of quaint cottages in Heysham some of which date back to the 16th century.

Public art on bank of Morecombe Bay.

We are now in Douglas, Isle of Man and are planning adventures over the next seven days.


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