Vale of Rheidol Steam Railway

Steam train en-route to Devil's Bridge

This evening, I am posting information on the Vale of Rheidol Railway in Wales.

Location is about 121 miles S.W. of Liverpool (England) in the centre of the Welsh coastline.

Vale of Rheidol is an independent, not-for-profit, steam railway which was first opened in 1902. It runs for 11.75 miles between Aberystwyth and Devil's Bridge climbing 700 feet in the process.  The line is narrow gauge, extending to 23.75 inches.

In the early years the line carried passengers and freight with latter comprising lead ore and timber. Traffic is now exclusively tourist passengers.

The locomotives and rolling stock date from the period 1923-38.

The line traverses stunning scenery which can provide views of birds of prey such as Red Kite and Buzzards.

Video clip of steam locomotive.

Cambrian Steam Locomotive Vale of Rheidol scenery 

Here is a link to more information on historic Welsh steam railways.


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