Family of Little Grebes
Here is the entire family out seeking food. they are very active and rarely sit still.
This evening, I am reporting on my encounter with a family of Little Grebes earlier today at Rouken Glen Park, Glasgow.
For about three weeks I had been monitoring the gestation process which entailed the two parents sharing egg sitting duties on a well camouflaged nest built on a lily pad on a local pond.
Here are my previous posts:
Little Grebe Hatchlings:
Nesting Little Grebes:
A couple of days ago the first hatching occurred subsequent to which the nest completely disappeared.
This morning I was pleasantly surprised to encounter the entire family of six actually swimming towards me as I walked alongside the pond. Unfortunately, I did not have any conventional camera equipment with me and consequently had to rely on my 'phone camera the results of which are not too bad.
Here are the chicks, all facing in opposite directions.
Another family group picture.
Here is a video clip of the entire family which illustrates just how tiny the chicks are.
The chicks are certainly cute and I earnestly hope they all survive and prosper.
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