Little Grebe Hatchlings


 Above image captures both parents with chick in middle.

Today was the culmination of a 3 week incubation period for a pair of Little Grebes which I have monitoring on a daily basis.

From personal experience these birds are not endangered but not exactly an every-day sighting.The pair under focus are the only representative of the species on the particular small lake near my home in south Glasgow.

Here is summary information on the Little Grebe species obtained form the RSPB (bird charity) website:"The little grebe is a small, dumpy grebe which often appears to have a 'fluffy' rear end. It readily dives when disturbed, surfacing unseen some distance away. In summer it has a bright chestnut throat and cheeks and a pale gape patch at the base of the bill. It can be noisy, with a distinctive whinnying trill."


Parent with chick

Parent with empty nest

Note young chick in bottom right corner of above image facing camera.

Parent approaching Lily pads.

It is to be hoped the chicks survive and prosper!


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