Holy Trinity Church, Kingston upon Hull, England


Holy Trinity Church, Kingston upon Hull, England

This evening, I am focusing on Holy Trinity Church in Kingston upon Hull ("Hull"), England, part of the worldwide Anglican communion. This is the largest parish church by area in England and has been a place of worship for over 700 years. However, the site is of even greater antiquity as two earlier churches preceded the current building.

 Hull is about forty miles S.E.of York in northern England.

Holy Trinity was founded in 1285 with final building work consecrated in 1425. Originally, was daughter church of Hessle and achieved parish church status in 1661.

Important developments and features include:

  • Extensive restoration in 1840s when the nave was changed to its current style.
  • Stained glass windows of the nave, transepts and chancel date from 1890s.
  • Slave trade abolitionist, William Wilberforce, was baptised in the church’s medieval font which dates from about 1380.
  • The pews date from 1840s, the lectern 1847 and the pulpit from 1846.
  • The South Nave contains two art nouveau windows.
  • The organ is rare and dates from the 18th century.
  • In the North Transept is a 1711 painting of the Last Supper by James Parmentier.

Church interior

Church interior

Church interior

Church interior

Holy Trinity is an important example of English church architecture and is deserving of a visit.


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