Glasgow Southside in Winter
Grey Heron near Riverford Road
Despite being mid-winter, conditions today provided outstanding opportunities for photography.
We had a combination of sub-zero temperatures, cloudless sky with low angle sun and a dusting of snow on frozen ground.
First, I headed off to Queen's Park in south Glasgow which offers a high elevation vantage point looking north across the city. Next to the local ponds where there was a collection of water birds. Finally, I caught the wrong bus back which forced me to walk home. En-route and by pure happenchance I found myself standing just a few feet from an imperious Grey Heron.
Image of Glasgow looking north with Campsie Fells (hills) in distance.
Part frozen pond in Queen's Park
Moorhen standing on one leg on frozen pond
Coot sitting in ice. Contrary to initial impression the bird was not frozen to surface.
The Heron was a special bonus. Despite being out and about most days of the week a sighting of this bird category is very unusual, restricted to, maybe, three or four per year. The presence of herons must be indicative of relatively clean waterways in which fish can prosper.
We have a mix of snow, rain and sleet forecast for tomorrow. Will see what opportunities that mix provides.
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