Cowal Peninsula, Scotland
This afternoon, I am reprising a visit to Scotland's Cowal Peninsula during a heatwave.
Swimming in River Eachaig
Information on the Cowal Peninsula trip
In the normal course of events the terms ‘Scotland’ and ‘outdoor swimming’ are mutually exclusive, but not today. The West of Scotland is currently subject to a heat wave resulting in temperatures on a par with Hawaii.
To benefit from the unusual climatic conditions my wife and myself drove to Gourock (about 30 miles NW of Glasgow) on the Firth of Clyde and then connected with a ferry transfer to Dunoon.Thence onward to our destination of Glen Massan through which flows the River Eachaig.Our trip entailed passing through a valley floor with sheep, horses and haymaking in process. The mountains on either side were heavily wooded (commercial forestry).
Glen Massan
Haymaking in Glen Massan
Marina, Holy Loch
We were fortunate to find an isolated spot where the river was deep enough for swimming in River Eachaig
Later, we returned via a brief excursion to the ancient settlement of Kilmun which has a parish church with a history (as a Christian site) dating back to the 7th century AD. By the 15th century, the significance of Kilmun as a local centre of Christianity was so great that the adjacent loch became known as the Holy Loch, and the powerful Clan Campbell adopted it as their spiritual home.
Kilmun Parish Church (19th c)
Video clip of Holy Loch and Firth of Clyde
More information for the visitor
The publication Visitors’ Guide to Scotland contains a section on the Clyde Coast plus a vast array of additional information on Scotland and it’s islands. The ISBN is 978-1-9161332-0-4. This is also available via Kindle.
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