Seahouses, Northumberland


This evening, I am reporting on the town of Seahouses in Northumberland, NE England.

 Seahouses Harbour

 Information on Seahouse

Seahouses is just three miles from Bamburgh, as featured yeaterday.

Seahouses Lifeboat

 Seahouses Harbour

Seahouses has a population approaching 2000 persons. It is a bustling fishing town that provides a gateway to the world-renowned Farne Islands National Nature Reserve. Seahouses is home to a wide range of shops and eateries.The harbour is both a working fishing port and embarkation point for the regular, daily boat trips which transport large numbers of visitors to view the Farne Islands and the local wildlife.

Farne Islands scene with puffins in foregound.

 Grey Seals basking on rocks

Key members of the wildlife population include Atlantic Grey Seals and Puffins.

Farne Islands lighthouse.

Basking seals

Shag drying wings

Seabirds on Farne Islands


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