Òran Mór Entertainment Venue, Glasgow

 Entrance to Òran Mór


This afternoon my wife an myself attended a theatrical performance at Òran Mór in Glasgow's West End, a name which translates from Scots Gaelic as "great melody of life" or "big song". This is a theatre, restaurant, entertainment and music venue which stands opposite to Glasgow's Botanic Gardens From 1862 until 1978 the building was the Kelvinside Parish Church before becoming redundant and then converted into an entertainment venue in 2004.

Inside, the ground floor is now a bar and eating area whilst the floor below is used as a small theatre.

Ground floor

The theatrical performance ('A Herstory of the Scottish Bard') was first class and centred on the complicated relationships between Robert Burns (Scotland's National Poet) and some of the many females in his life, in this case Jean Armour, Nancy Maclehose (aka 'Clarinda') and his granddaughter, Sarah. Burns' life was relatively short covering the period 25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796.This was a time long before Victorian era morality became established.

The venue can accessed via Byers Road.

More information for the visitor

Please refer Visitors’ Guide to Scotland which contains nearly 800 pages of information and images on many aspects of Scotland. ISBN is 978-1-9161332-0-4. Also available via Kindle.




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