Trip into Glasgow
Today, I traveled into Glasgow city primarily to attend to technical matters regarding certain cameras and my cellphone.These were sorted.
Next, I availed of refreshment at a cafe inside St George's Tron Parish Church whjch is renowned for it's delicious scones.
Suitably refreshed, I walked on up to the Cathedral which is located high in the centre of the old medieval sector. En-route I encountered a new allotment layout for city centre locals known as Greyfriars Biophilic Garden and a charming puppy known as a 'Chalkie' being a cross between a Chiihuahua and a Yorkshire Terrier.
Greyfriars Biophilic Garden
Here are some images of the Cathedral interior. (N.B. This place of worship is, technically, no longer a cathedral as the Presbyterian church does not have bishops.The cathedral was built under the catholic era which ended in 1560 but the name lives on.)
Stained Glass
St Mungo's Tomb
Cathedral Nave
Close to the Cathedral is a memorial to John Knox (1514-1572), a leading protestant reformer and founder of the Church of Scotland. This is the tallest structure in Glasgow Necropolis.
Also close to the Cathedral is an equine statue to King William III who secured ascendancy for the protestant religion at the Battle of Boyne in 1690. Note protestant church in background. William was monarch of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1689 to 1702.
Inscription on King William's statue.
For more information on protestantism in the west of Scotland see my report on the Orange March which took place on December 14th 2024.
On the way home I passed George Square which was kitted out with Christmas joy rides and entertainments.
George Square
George Square
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