Barochan Cross, Paisley Abbey, Scotland

This evening, I am posting information on the ancient Barochan Cross which can be found in Paisley Abbey, S.W. Scotland, The Cross was originally located in an open and exposed position about nine miles N.W. of Paisley until relocation in 1981.

Summary information as follows:
  • An erect standing sandstone cross which rises to a height of 3.4m, the lower 0.9m of which would normally be buried.
  • One of the oldest surviving examples of the Govan School of sculpture. May possibly date to the 8th century.
  • Intricate designs have been eroded due to exposure to elements for over 1000 years.
  • Displays a very high standard of craftsmanship.
  • Although a cross shape there is no indication that the symbols carry a religious message. Carvings include a horseman holding a spear, pair of animals and double beaded interlace.
  • May have been commissioned by the Royal Family of Strathclyde to celebrate a military victory in the 9th century.
Video clip of Barochan Cross, Paisley Abbey



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