Roman London Tour
This evening, I am reprising a Roman themed tour of London which, during the Roman period was known as Londinium.
During the period AD 43-AD 410 large parts of the British Isles mainland were occupied by the Roman Empire. During that time the territory's status was raised to that of a Roman province. Although the Romans left after AD 410 there is evidence that the Roman way of life continued for some years.afterwards.
Roman military exhibit at Museum of London
Initially Colchester was the capital of Roman Britain with function subsequently transferring to London after a few years.
Our first call was the Museum of London in the financial district which has an excellent gallery dedicated to the Roman period.

Next we walked to the Bloomberg Building, also in the financial district, in the basement of which is a hi-tech (audio-visual) illustration of a Mithraeum (worship of Mithras) based on excavation in the locality. Here, there is also displayed an extensive collection of excavated artefacts from the Roman period.

Finally, to the British Museum and the gallery dedicated to the Roman period in Britain.
Section of Woodchester Pavement.
Vindolanda Tablets, one of Britain's top historical treasures.
Mosaic from Abbots Ann.
Roman Military display
Samian Ware, everyday household pottery which was made in France.
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