Corrieshalloch Gorge


This evening, I am posting information on the Corrieshalloch Gorge which forms part of a National Nature Reserve in Scotland’s N.W. Highlands.

 Falls of Measach, Scottish Highlands

Information on the Corrieshalloch Gorge

Facts and information as follows:

  • Located about twelve miles south of Ullapool.
  • Accessed via short, steep trail.
  • Crossed by a suspension bridge. There is also a separate viewing platform.
  • Translates as ‘Ugly Hollow’ in Gaelic but this is a misnomer as the view is far from ugly, in fact quite spectacular.
  • Technically known as a Slot Gorge and was formed by glacial meltwater about 2.6m years ago.
  • Through the gorge flows the River Droma. This drops 100 metres over 1.25km including the 150 ft drop at the Falls of Measach.
  • Ranks as the U.K.'s smallest National Nature Reserve.
  • Is home to a wide range of wildlife including red squirrels, finches and a rar species of cranefly. The sheltered and damp microclimate means that mosses and ferns are abundant. The autumn/fall brings a rich glow in the native woodland along the flanks of the ravine.

Corrieshalloch Gorge

More information for the visitor

The publication Visitors’ Guide to Scotland provides a vast array of information on Scotland and it’s islands. The ISBN is 978-1-9161332-0-4. This publication is also available via Kindle.


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