Tarbert, Harris, Scotland

 Colourful Store, Tarbert, Scotland

This evening, I am posting information on the small town of Tarbert on Harris in the Outer Hebrides.

The Outer Hebrides are a chain of islands located off the West Coast of Scotland in the Atlantic Ocean.Here can be found Harris Tweed weavers, Gaelic speakers, seafood, prehistoric monuments, mountainous scenery, sandy beaches and many sheep.

Tarbert is a ferry port providing a regular crossing connection to Uig on the Isle of Skye. The name is of Gaelic origin and means ‘strip of land’ or isthmus.

Tarbert is a good base for touring Lewis and Harris. The town is home to hotels and other lodgings together with shops and a  new whisky distillery. 

Tarbert, Harris, Scotland

Tarbert Harbour with new Distillery, Harris, Scotland

CalMac ferry loading vehicles at Tarbert, Scotland

West Loch Tarbert, Harris, Scotland

More information

The publication Visitors’ Guide to Scotland includes sections on islands, wildlife, prehistory and much more. ISBN is 978-1-9161 332-0-4. Also available via Kindle..


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