Raich Stone Circle, Glen Dronach, Scotland
This afternoon, I am reporting on the Raich recumbent stone circle near GlenDronach Distillery in Aberdeenshire, N.E. Scotland.
Scotland is well endowed with stone monuments from the Neolithic era of about 5000 years ago. Examples include Ring of Brodgar on Orkney and Callanish on the Isle of Lewis although the people who built the structures are not the ancestors of modern, indigenous British people.
In this case what appears to be a jumble of rocks in a field is, in fact, the remains of a small ring which is positioned on an east facing terrace.It may be a transitional form of the 'Four Poster' category.
The stones stand on a distinct mound over three feet (1M) high. The site is conspicuous. Although most of the western half has fallen and disturbed two much taller stones stand at the S.E., 4ft 8 ins high, and NNW 4ft4ins (1.3M) in a ring of much lower blocks.
Acknowledgement: Technical information sourced from 'A guide to Stone Circles' by Aubrey Burl,ISBN 0-300-06331-8.
More information for the visitor
Overall, Aberdeenshire has much to offer the visitor, whether contemplating a short, within –the–day, trip or an extended sojourn lasting a week or longer.
For more information on stone circles and sightseeing in Scotland please refer to the Visitors’ Guide to Scotland, ISBN 978-1-9161332-0-4. This book is also available via Kindle.
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