Laurieston Pub rated in Europe's top 100 Bars


The above Laurieston pub in Glasgow's Bridge Street has been ranked no 32 out of 100 bars in Europe.

The rating was assigned by Jack Anderton who set up the European Bar Guide and has visited over 1300 bars across Europe.

Key influences on the rating were:

  • Unique ambience which attracts TV and film productions as well as A-list actors.
  • A frozen in time 1960s boozer hidden behind an unprepossessing exterior.
  • A wonderful, friendly, communal pub with simple, wholesome delights.
  • Appeal to people of all backgrounds where easy to make friends.
  • Not a 1960s museum but a real-life dynamic pub which is still relevant today.

Food offering centres on hot pies and veg-plus the usual crisps (chips) and nuts.

Public Bar

Video clip

Lounge Bar

Video clip

The Laurieston is within walkable range of central Glasgow and is close to Bridge Street underground station.

More information for the visitor

More information on Glasgow, Scottish history, architecture, culture, etc., can be found in the Visitors’ Guide to Scotland, ISBN 978-1-9161332-0-4. This publication is also available via Kindle.



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