Segedunum (Wallsend Roman Fort) on Hadrian's Wall

  Site overview with bath house reconstruction in top left

This evening, I am posting information on Segedunum (Wallsend Roman Fort), one of twelve principal forts along the line of Hadrian's Wall in what is now northern England.

By way of a recap, Hadrian's Wall was erected between the 120s and 130s AD. It stretched for eighty Roman miles and represented a physical consolidation of the northern frontier of the Roman Empire until collapse of the Empire (insofar as Britain was concerned) in the early 5th century.

Specific information on Segedunum:

  • Located near Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
  • Was built in conjunction with an extension of the Wall, later in the construction process.The Wall provided a link between the fort and the River Tyne, a natural barrier. From a military perspective the two forts of Segedunum and Arbeia could monitor the River Tyne all the way to the coast.
  • The fort's 'playing card' layout is consistent with standard Roman design with:
    •  A double portalled gate at each side.
    • A section for infantry barracks.
    • H.Q. block.
    • Commanding Officer's House.
    • Granary.
    • Cavalry barracks.
    • Hospital.
  • During the second century it is possible that the fort was garrisoned by the second cohort of Nervians from modern day Belgium. During the 3rd and 4th centuries the garrison was the fourth cohort of Lingones (mixed cavalry and infantry) from modern-day eastern France.
  • By the latter half of the second century all the buildings were of stone construction.
  • During its 300 year life it has been estimated that Segedunum experienced approximately 100 different commanders one of which was M Statius Priscus who subsequently became governor of Britain.
  • Modern day Buddle Street has partly obliterated the northern section of the fort containing the infantry barracks.

This site benefits from an extensive Visitor Centre featuring a tower with viewing platform and a reconstructed bath house.

View east towards River Tyne Segedunum site at ground level Site of hospital at Segedunum. Segedunum at ground level Segedunum archaeology at ground level


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