Jousting at Linlithgow


Jousting in progress


Today, I attended a jousting themed event at Linlithgow Palace near Edinburgh in eastern Scotland.

This was very well organised and themed on the 15th century. The experience was enhanced with supporting exhibits illustrating trades and occupations of the time.


The medieval joust has its origins in the military tactics of heavy cavalry during the High Middle Ages. By the 14th century, many members of the nobility, including kings, had taken up jousting. Object was to showcase their own courage, skill and talents. The sport proved just as dangerous for a king as a knight. A massive head injury incurred during jousting contributed to the death of King Henry VIII. From the 15th century on, jousting became a sport without direct relevance to warfare.

Illustrations of the Linlithgow jousting event

Medieval lady


Jousting in progress


 Sword fight

 Linlithgow Loch: Setting for the jousting event.

 Another aspect of setting for the jousting event with Linlithgow Palace in background.

Video clips





Other events and specialist trades

Siberian Eagle Owl forming part of falconry display


High status medieval lady

Brewster (producer of beer). In medieval times beer was consumed by all ages as the water had been effectively sterilized and the constituents provided added nutrients to the poor diet of working people. Producing and selling beer was also a respectable occupation for widows.

Barber-Surgeon: Here you could obtain a one-stop hair cut, leg amputation and tooth extraction-just don't mention anaesthetic let alone sterile environment! Apparently, modern medics recognize some of the instruments on display.



Irish Wolfhound: Ancestors of this dog may have been used for hunting deer.

Not exactly an AK47. Fire arms for the military were introduced during the 15th century of which the above is an example.

 Heraldry: Still in use today.

Leather worker


 Candle Maker


 Purveyor of Scottish fast food.

Representative of Clan Rose, a Highland clan from Nairn in the north of Scotland.

Overall, an excellent day.


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