Glasgow Photo Trip
Today, I set off on a pre-planned trip into Glasgow's city centre. As predicted, the weather featured very strong winds interspersed with heavy rain showers.
Below is a pic taken this evening of a Christmas light display at a nearby residence in Glasgow's Southside.
First, on entering the city centre I encountered a seasonal performance by the Govan Salvation Army Band.
Video clip of the band.
Next, I encountered a full blown pro-Palestinian demonstration which was heavily policed but seemed to proceed in a peaceful manner.
Next for refreshment (hot drink and scone) at an excellent cafe in St George's Tron Church.
Nativity Tableau inside Church.
Altar at St. George's Tron
Next, I proceeded along George Street where I noticed a burst pipe gushing out water. This is strange because, so far, we have not experienced a major freeze.
Burst Pipe
George Street
Next to the High Street and the St.Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art. (St. Mungo was a 7th century AD Christian missionary who became Glasgow's patron saint). The museum is spread over three floors and features an excellent display which I will cover in a future blog.
This is The Buddha Shakyamuni
Next to the Glasgow Gallery of Photography, on High Street. This is home to a fascinating display which, again, I will cover in-depth in a future blog.
Here is one of the display galleries.
Finally, on the way home I passed through Royal Exchange Square where I encountered one of the many beggars in Glasgow city centre.
Royal Exchange Square
After reaching home I went out again, this time to photograph an extravagant Christmas light display at a local residence.This features 55,000 LED lights and 15 inflatable figures.Ostensibly, visitors are requested to donate to an animal charity but I saw no evidence of a collection box or similar.
Christmas Light Display. See also image at top of this post.
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