Glasgow Photo Trip

Today, I set off on a pre-planned trip into Glasgow's city centre. As predicted, the weather featured very strong winds interspersed with heavy rain showers.

Below is a pic taken this evening of a Christmas light display at a nearby residence in Glasgow's Southside.

First, on entering the city centre I encountered a seasonal performance by the Govan Salvation Army Band.

Video clip of the band.

In Buchanan Street I encountered this unusual pro-peace lobbying group. Glasgow has significant populations of both Jewish people and Palestinians.

Next, I encountered a full blown pro-Palestinian demonstration which was heavily policed but seemed to proceed in a peaceful manner.

 Next for refreshment (hot drink and scone) at an excellent cafe in St George's Tron Church.

Nativity Tableau inside Church.

Altar at St. George's Tron

Next, I proceeded along George Street where I noticed a burst pipe gushing out water. This is strange because, so far, we have not experienced a major freeze.

Burst Pipe

George Street

Next to the High Street and the St.Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art. (St. Mungo was a 7th century AD Christian missionary who became Glasgow's patron saint). The museum is spread over three floors and features an excellent display which I will cover in a future blog.

This is The Buddha Shakyamuni 

Next to the Glasgow Gallery of Photography, on High Street. This is home to a fascinating display which, again, I will cover in-depth in a future blog.

Here is one of the display galleries.

Finally, on the way home I passed through Royal Exchange Square where I encountered one of the many beggars in Glasgow city centre.

Royal Exchange Square

After reaching home I went out again, this time to photograph an extravagant Christmas light display at a local residence.This features 55,000 LED lights and 15 inflatable figures.Ostensibly, visitors are requested to donate to an animal charity but I saw no evidence of a collection box or similar.

Christmas Light Display. See also image at top of this post.

More Information

For more information on Glasgow and Scotland in general please refer Visitors’ Guide to Scotland, ISBN 978-1-9161332-0-4.This book is also available via Kindle.


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