Hardknott Roman Fort in the English Lake District


This evening, I am posting information on the Roman Fort at Hardknott, Eskdale in the English Lake District. This was known as Mediobodgdum.

Location is NW England near the town of Ravenglass or about sixty-two miles south of Carlisle. This is an elevated and remote spot accessible today via a winding back-road which does offer excellent landscape views. See video clip below for type of road journey.

Key facts and information:

  • Established in 2nd century AD ( between 117 and 138) when garrisoned by the Fourth Cohort of Dalmatians from the Balkans (S.E.Europe). These dates are more-or-less contemporaneous with the building of Hadrian's Wall. A cohort usually consisted of 480 soldiers.
  • Demilitarised in late 140s then re-garrisoned in 160s. This re-occupation coincides with the abandonment of the Antonine Wall (in modern-day Scotland) and re-establishment of Hadrian's Wall as the northern frontier. Hardknott was abandoned in early 3rd century.
  • A Roman Bath House is located nearby.
  • The fort site extends to three acres and includes H.Q. building, temple, commander's residence, granaries, barracks and parade ground.

Landscape view of Hardknott Fort. See ruins in middle distance.


 Another landscape view


View of Eskdale from Fort. This is a glacial valley and civil parish in the western Lake District National Park in Cumbria.


 Landscape view of the fort


 Landscape view


 Layout of fort in context of the landscape.


Site of entrance gate.




Visiting: The site is open 24/7 but ground surface can be wet and appropriate footwear is recommended.



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